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master to stand in front of him. Tension filled every line of the other wolf s body. His hands
were clenched into fists above the cuffs encircling his wrists.
 I don t understand, Bennett whispered, his eyes flickering back and forth over his
mate s exposed body.
Marsdon bit back a laugh.  That s the point, isn t it? You don t understand that this
has nothing to do with being a wolf or an alpha or anything else. So& 
Bennett frowned.  So you re& submitting to me?
Marsdon took a deep breath.  Yes.
Bennett couldn t make his throat work.
 We ll take it in turns, Marsdon said.
Marsdon took another deep breath, seemingly more in frustration than anything else.
 We ll take it in turns.
 You don t want this, Bennett blurted out.
 Yes, I do.
 Don t lie to me, Bennett snapped.  I ve been in those chains. I know what loving
every moment you spend in them feels like. You hate it.
 It s not a problem.
 Yes, it is. His master in chains was a problem. Marsdon expecting him to be his
master s master was a problem.  If this is some sort of joke& 
 You think I d  Marsdon cut himself off and took another of those deep breaths.  If
this is the only way you can have this, I ll do it.
 If the only way you can believe there s nothing wrong with submitting to your mate
is to see me do it just as often as you do then& then I ll do it. The last few words were
Bennett stepped forward and touched his master s cheek just below the line of the
blindfold. Marsdon tensed.
He hated it. Bennett could see it in every line of his body. Marsdon hated being out of
control. He hated being in bondage. He hated submitting.
He hated it almost as much as he loved his mate.
Bennett rested his forehead against Marsdon s forehead, barely daring to breathe.
 You deserve so much better, he whispered.  It s bad enough that I drop so easily to my
knees. I shouldn t drag you down with me.
He reached out to undo one of the cuffs and free his master.
 Don t you dare!
Bennett snatched his hand away from the buckle.  I was just going to 
 And I said don t.
 I thought 
 Don t think. Just do as you re told.
Bennett dropped his gaze as a part of him that had been kept too tightly corralled for
too long howled its relief at suddenly being given the freedom to just let everything go and
exist in a world of his master s making.
Marsdon dropped his head back and sighed his frustration to the ceiling.  Do what
you want, he corrected.  You have the rest of the night. Do whatever you want with me.
Bennett tried to pull that part of him that gloried in submission back under his
conscious control, to slip the tight lead back around its neck and tame it. But the harder he
tried, the more his mind just spiralled out of control.
Without thinking he reached out to his master, placing his palm over Marsdon s heart.
His mate s pulse raced just as fast as his own, but there was still reassurance to be found in
the steady rhythm.
Leaning forward, Bennett rested his head on Marsdon s shoulder, just as Marsdon had
asked him to do a few days before when they were in the barn. It felt different here. Safe in
the club away from the real world, it was almost as if it didn t really count.
His eyes traced a line up Marsdon s arm to the cross on the inside of his forearm. His
fingers followed quickly behind.
 There s a knife on the table if you want it.
Bennett shook his head, tracing the scar with his fingertips. He d never been able to
find an excuse to touch it before. They both reached for the back of his neck and sought for
what that meant. By comparison, Marsdon s scar had been ignored.
Do you really think I d cut you without knowing what I was doing?
Bennett bit his lip.
Marsdon hadn t hesitated to try it first, to be sure it wouldn t hurt his lover past what
he deemed acceptable. He hadn t hesitated to put himself in bondage when he thought that
would ease his pain. It wasn t as if Marsdon wanted the mark, as if he took any pleasure
from being bound. A glance down Marsdon s body was enough to make that quite clear.
Marsdon hadn t hesitated to accept everything about him, even when it couldn t have
been what he d expected to find in his mate. Marsdon had never done anything but accept
him. Right then, that made everything very simple.
Bennett closed his eyes and lowered himself slowly to his knees in front of his master.
Marsdon stared into the blackness behind the blindfold as Bennett rested his forehead [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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