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was comfortable, watched for shooting stars. I was determined to enjoy the
moment. It might be the last such I would know.
The fire spit and crackled. Somebody found ambition enough to add a little
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wood. It blazed up, sent piney smoke drifting my way, launched shadows which
danced over the intent faces of the card players. One-Eye's lips were taut
because he was losing. Goblin's frog mouth was stretched in an unconscious
grin. Silent was a blank, being Silent. Elmo was thinking hard, scowling as he
calculated odds. Jolly was more sour than customary. It was good to see Jolly
again. I had feared him lost at Lords.
Only one puny meteor rolled across the sky. I gave it up, closed my eyes,
listened to my heartbeat. Harden is coming. Harden is coming, it said. It
pounded out a drumbeat, mimicking the tread of advancing legions.
Raven settled down beside me. "Quiet tonight," he observed.
"Calm before the storm," I replied. "What's cooking with the high and the
"Lot of argument. The Captain, Catcher, and the new one are letting them yap,
Letting them get it out of their systems. Who's ahead?"
"One-Eye isn't dealing from the bottom of the deck?"
"We never caught him."
"I heard that," One-Eye growled. "One of these days, Raven...." ,
"I know. Zap. I'm a frog prince. Croaker, you been up the hill since it got
"No. Why?"
"Something unusual over in the east. Looks like a comet."
My heart did a small flip. I calculated quickly. "You're probably right. It's
due back." I rose. He did too. We walked uphill.
Every major event in the saga of the Lady and her husband has been presaged by
a comet. Countless Rebel prophets have predicted that she will fall while a
comet is in the sky. But their most dangerous prophecy concerns the child who
will be a reincarnation of the White Rose. The Circle is spending a lot of
energy trying to locate the kid.
Raven led me to a height from which we could see the stars lying low in the
east. Sure enough, something like a faraway silver spearhead rode the sky
there. I stared a long time before observing, "It seems to be pointed at
"I thought so too." He was silent for a while. "I'm not much on prophecies,
Croaker. They sound too much like superstition. But this makes me nervous."
"You've heard those prophecies all your life. I'd be surprised if they hadn't
touched you."
He grunted, not satisfied. "The Hanged Man brought news of the east. Whisper
has taken Rust."
"Good news, good news," I said, with considerable sarcasm.
"She's taken Rust and surrounded Trinket's army. We can have the whole east by
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next summer."
We faced the canyon. A few of Harden's advance units had reached the foot of
the switchbacks. Stormbringer had broken off her long assault in order to
prepare for Harden's attempt to break through here.
"So it comes down to us," I whispered. "We have to stop them here or the whole
thing goes because of a sneak attack through the back way."
"Maybe. But don't count the Lady out even if we fail. The Rebel hasn't yet
faced Her. And they know it to a man. Each mile they move toward the Tower
will fill them with greater dread. Terror itself will defeat them unless they
find their prophesied child."
"Maybe." We watched the comet. It was far, far away yet, just barely
detectable. It would be up there a long time. Great battles would be fought
before it departed.
I made a face. "Maybe you shouldn't have shown me. Now I'll dream about the
damned thing."
Raven flashed a rare grin. "Dream us a victory," he suggested.
I did some dreaming aloud. "We've got the high ground. Harden has to bring his
men up twelve hundred feet of switchback. They'll be easy meat when they get
"Whistling in the dark, Croaker. I'm going to turn in. Good luck tomorrow."
"Same to you," I replied. He would be in the thick of it. The Captain had
chosen him to command a battalion of veteran regulars. They would be holding [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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