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episode. Turning back to Gunner, she saw that he d climbed off the
bike and watched her with an amused grin.
 Come on, baby. Let s go have lunch. But you might want to stop
in the ladies room and rinse your mouth out before you kiss your
He chuckled when her eyes went wide in shock.
60 Cooper McKenzie
Chapter 8
After an interminable hour-and-a-half lunch with Jillian s father,
Gunner walked away with a new request for his little submissive.
 He doesn t have a clue, does he? Gunner asked as they crossed
the parking lot.
 Clue about what? She sounded confused, but one glance told
him that she knew exactly what he was talking about.
 That you put together the investment proposal and approached
me for help. That you ve taken over the company. That he s the
president of Hall Industries in name only.
Turning his head, he watched Jillian go pale then look like she
was going to be sick.  Why do you think that? she asked after taking
a deep breath that seemed to do little to calm her.
 Because he was more interested in talking golf and who s
fucking who at the club than in trying to convince me to give him two
million dollars. And every time I asked a question about the business,
he looked to you to answer. He s sick, isn t he?
Jillian turned away to look over the golf course her father loved so
much. She didn t answer for a long time, but Gunner waited her out.
He could tell by the tense set of her shoulders this was a secret she
had not shared with anyone else.
 Something s wrong, but we don t know exactly what because he
won t go to the doctor. He forgets things and has lost interest in
anything but golf and fishing, Jillian answered.
Gunner nodded but remained silent as they left the golf course and
she directed him back to the company. As soon as they walked into
the building, he watched her become a leader, quickly and efficiently
Jillian s Master 61
answering questions thrown at her from a half dozen directions as she
led the way through the offices to the conference room. He noticed
eyes go wide as her coworkers took in her new short, sexy dress, but
no one said a word.
Once he d closed the door to his temporary office, he turned and
looked at her.  I have questions but right now would like to go
through the files I ve requested. I m sure you have matters to deal
with, as well. He gestured to the stack of messages the receptionist
had handed her on their way through the building.
 Is that okay? She looked scared, like she expected him to pack
up and walk out without taking anything else into consideration.
Taking her hand, he led her to the closest chair. After sitting
down, he pulled her to sit on his lap. While his cock jumped to
attention, he shifted but otherwise ignored the intense physical
reaction he had to this woman.
 Jillian, you have a job to do, and I do not want to interfere with
your position with the company. In fact, I may be able to help you
with your father, if you ll allow me. He stroked her, soothing himself
as much as it did her.
 So you re not leaving? You re still considering Hall Industries?
Gunner nodded without answering. He had a lot of questions but
needed more information about the company and Jillian s role in it
before he could make his final decision.
 Thank you.
 Don t thank me until I ve made my final decision, Gunner said,
lifting her off his lap again. Once she was on her feet, he slid one
hand between her legs and up until he reached her apex. Pushing two
fingers into her pussy, he tapped the first ball.  You have two hours to
finish everything you need to get done today. Now go away and let
me work.
Long before the two hours ended, Jillian stopped working. She
dealt with the most pressing issues, but it was impossible to keep her
mind focused on business. Her overly aroused body demanded that
62 Cooper McKenzie
she stop working, find Gunner, and fuck him until they became a
combined puddle of goo.
She made notes for what needed to be done the next day, her
handwriting shaky and barely legible. Once that was finished, she
locked her desk, turned off the lights, and walked out. Everything else [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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