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growth of the land. The significance of building a future here was obvious
to her in the bush. She wanted to send roots, family roots, deep down
into the earth like the huge cedar and eucalyptus trees had done for
thousands of years. This land, this earth, this tiny piece of the world she
owned flowed through her veins. Australia had been her destiny, her fate.
She would not fail it.
Spots of rain hit them.
 Come, it is going to rain again. Kitty made a game of beating the
rain as they ran for home. Once inside, they fell into a heap laughing and
Connie grinned.  Right then, let s get you dry and ready fer you
dinner. She bundled the children into the bedroom.
Alice set out the plates and served their meal as the rain fell harder.
From the leaks in the roof, drops pinged into the collecting buckets.
Jessup knocked and then stuck his head around the back door
leading into the lean-to.  We ve just brought half the herd into the
holding yard, miss.
 Oh? Kitty looked up from unlacing her boots.  Have the weeks of
rain affected them?
Kitty McKenzie s Land
 No, miss. In fact, there some ready for market now. They ve feasted
on the new grass and some of the better beasts are in good shape.
 Excellent. Kitty smiled.
 If we sort out the healthier ones to go to market and we can fatten
them up some more with the last of the feed until the creek has gone
down a bit.
 Yes, good. Thank you, Jessup.
Alice passed him a tray of food covered with a towel.  Take your
dinner now, that ll save you from coming back out in this weather.
He winked and grinned at her.  Thanks, Alice. By the way, is there
some of your rice pudding left?
Alice slapped him with her cloth.  What, with you around?
Jessup closed the door as Connie brought in the children. They ate
the beef stew and tried to talk against the deafening roar of rain hitting
the roof.
Banging on the front door stilled Kitty s hands on cutting up a piece
of meat for Charles. She frowned, not certain she had heard correctly.
The hammering came again. Alarm filled her. She, Alice and Connie
looked stupidly at each other.
Connie lowered her fork.  Jessup and Holby use the back door, she
Kitty reached for her rifle. She nodded to Connie and Alice to take the
children into the bedroom.  Who is there?
 It is Grayson.
She waited until Connie had closed the bedroom door.  What do you
 To talk.
Kitty slowly slid back the wooden plank; the door s bolting device.
She opened the door a foot wide, her gaze wary.
 May I come in? It is raining. He stepped towards her.
Anne Whitfield
 No. Her grip tightened on the door. The weapon rested against her
skirts. She had not seen him up close before and she frowned at the
tingling that ran along her skin. He was tall, well over six feet, and Kitty
had to crane her neck to look up at him. It was another time in her life
when she hated being short.
 May I speak to your husband?
 H-he is not here, Kitty stammered under the intensity of his steely
gaze. She frowned at his dark gray hair peeking out under his hat,
strange for a man only in his late thirties. Two deep lines went down
from his straight nose to the corners of his well-shaped month. His
silver-gray eyes drew and held her captive.
He regarded her with cool contempt, which did nothing to soften the
harsh lines of his face.  When will he be back?
 Soon. She swallowed.
 He must take you to higher ground should this rain continue.
His gaze traveled over her and she blushed, remembering the naked
scene by the water.  Why?
He muttered something under his breath, as though fed up with her
silly replies.  Because this plain will flood shortly, if the rain continues.
 Thank you for letting me know. Goodbye. She moved to close the
door, wanting to block him from her sight and mind. He made her feel
exposed, uncertain.
He shot out his foot to stop her.  I am still willing to buy you out. Tell
your husband.
Kitty raised her chin, even though she didn t reach his shoulders.
 We are not selling. I made that clear.
He stepped back and stood proud.  I have yet to speak to your
husband. I believe he will feel differently once I have put forward my
offer. He folded his arms and smirked.  It is quite generous.
 Go to hell! Kitty slammed the door in his face and leant her back on
it. She heard him walk away and his horse snort.
Kitty McKenzie s Land
Connie and Alice came out with the children and they all began
talking at once. Kitty said little as Connie poured her a cup of tea.  You
can t keep pretending that you re married, lass.
 I will if I have to. Hopefully, he will become bored with us and forget
we even exist after a while.
A knock on the back door made them jump. Jessup appeared again.
 I thought I would check everything is all right, miss. We saw Grayson
 Everything is fine. Kitty sighed.  However, will we flood do you
think, if the rain does not stop soon?
Jessup scratched his head.  There may be a chance. Though, it ll
take several days of this before it gets close to the hut. Holby and I will
keep an eye on the creek level.
Kitty gave a ghost of a smile.  Thank you, Jessup.
In the golden light of early evening, Kitty sat on a large boulder and
waited anxiously for Jessup s return. A lot depended on this first cattle
sale and she was terrified they might not reach a decent price. There
were bills to pay and accounts to settle, and she wanted to send word to
Dan telling him how well they were coping. They could endure the harsh
conditions and lack of comforts if it eventually meant they would be
successful. She held visions of a grand house full of every comfort for her
family, and acres and acres of fat healthy cows. It could be done. She
would do it.
With a bit of luck, Jessup would also bring home mail. It was many
weeks since they last collected the mail and she longed for some contact
with those left behind. She hoped Mary had written.
Kitty gave a deep sigh and absently watched a little brown-feathered
bird come to drink at the creek s edge. The evening had lost its heat and
Anne Whitfield
it was restful to sit by the calming sound of the flowing water. With the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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