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some coins on the table.  I m so sorry. And then he ran for it.
Outside, Der matched pace with the blond. She grinned.  We re both from
He glanced behind over his shoulder.  Never heard of it, sorry.
 Oh. She shrugged.  So, where are you from?
 Someplace that I m sure you don t know. What can I say? The world s a large place full
of tiny towns. He held up his hands helplessly.  So, what brings you to Duelingar?
She grinned.  Well, I m on my way to Second Acron to join the army.
Kelin jogged up behind them.  Aye, and I m now on my way to search for work with her.
There s no room for another smith back home  and old Sigard s got another apprentice
Der smiled, but looked down at the street and kicked a loose cobblestone.  It s
frightening to think that perhaps we ve already seen the last we ll ever see of home.
Her companion nodded.  Aye.
Kaleb sighed.  Yes, I agree too.
 What about you? Der asked.  Where are you going?
He shrugged.  Like you, I m just passing through.
 Oh? Which way are you going? We could travel together.
 Der&  Kelin petered out, but glared sideways at her.
Kaleb chuckled.  You haven t traveled much, have you? Well, you don t just travel with
strangers. He frowned.  Unless you re shipping down the river or overland with a caravan, or
you just happen by a group on the road& 
Her eyes danced.  Right. People do it all the time. It s safer than being alone.
 Maybe I ve just spent too much time in the city, he replied cautiously.  Please, forgive
my suspicions.
She looked anywhere but him.  That s fine. I ve got my friend  I  I was just trying to be
He smiled.  Thank you, but I just have to move quickly.
 Good luck, Kelin said.
 Yeah. Der still looked at the ground.  You ll need it, especially traveling alone so
quickly  people are going to think that you re the outlaw. She risked a small grin.  That might
slow you down.
Kaleb simply stopped walking.  That s not funny.
She smiled and shrugged.
They stepped out into a busy street and let the noise of the city break around them.
The two villagers stared upwards at the two and three story buildings.
Kelin cleared his throat.  Why do they even need a space so big? What could they
possibly use it for?
All Things Impossible Crown of the Realm Dalton�33
Der shrugged.  Oh, I didn t tell you! Yesterday, I found this temple, and it had a gigantic
stained glass window!
 What s that?
 What do you mean, what s that? Kaleb cut in.
Der grinned.  My dad told me about them. I d never seen one before.
 So, what are they? Like a whole colored window? Why would anyone want a whole
window that s blue or something? You couldn t see out of it!
Kaleb raised his hands.  No, no. The window is usually many pieces of glass which are
all stained different colors and set in lead, and when combined they form a picture.
 What? Like a painting?
 Aye, Der added.  They were all of the gods, or something. But, they were beautiful.
Kaleb nodded.  And you re right, Kelin, you can t see out of them, but the light shines in
from behind so the picture glows.
 Oh? Really? I want to see that!
Der looked around at all the intersecting streets.  Uh& We could ask someone where it
Kaleb laughed like chiming bells.  I hope the both of you realize that Second Acron is
much larger than this town.
 I like it, Kelin said, and then frowned.  Although, I think I could do without some of the
thugs. He tilted his head over to some roughly dressed fellows lounging against a wall.  Saw
more of them yesterday.
 It s not usual to have so many, Kaleb said quietly.
 That dwarf was right. Der stopped walking abruptly.
 What? Kaleb and Kelin asked in unison.
 He said not to worry about the outlaw  whatever that bastard did  but to mind those
turds that have stirred up after him. She nodded to a pack of men that looked like they had
just ridden through a tornado and not noticed. One of them was cutting his fingernails with a
 Right. Kaleb pulled a hood up over his platinum hair and hat.  I see what you mean.
Kelin shifted the weight of his pack.  I wonder what this man did. I mean, the reward
must be something powerful.
 In this kingdom, I heard it was a noble title, land and money, Kaleb dropped his eyes.
 This kingdom? Kelin echoed.  There are rewards for him in other kingdoms too?
 Yeah, now I want to know. Der frowned.  We never heard about this back home.
 Der, Kelin sighed,  We wouldn t know if the king had died. Makes you wonder why
your father moved out there.
She shrugged, and looked over at Kaleb, who had hunched his shoulders. His face was
stone.  We should go now to avoid trouble. He swerved into the current of the street, and the
villagers followed.
 I don t like the looks of most of these types. Kelin pushed himself away from a wagon, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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