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He bit at Reghan's skin, sinking his teeth into the flesh, frustrated by
some unnamable desire for more. More what, Castan couldn't say. Only
that he felt the lack in the middle of his stomach, like a great hole that
could never be filled.
Castan's rhythm was shaky and hard. Each time he thrust into
Reghan, Reghan tightened around him, his entire body clamping down
on Castan's. He'd hold Castan like that, his thin frame shaking like a leaf
in the wind, then gradually relax and allow Castan to pull back. Castan
could only stand to lose a few inches of Reghan's heat before he was
slamming home again, burying himself to the base, his balls brushing
against Reghan's warm skin.
There were things Castan had intended to tell Reghan. There were
thoughts and dreams and hopes he'd never mentioned before because
they were supposed to have a lifetime together. How was he supposed to
know that they would only have two months? How he was supposed to
know that he needed to say everything he ever intended to say to his
lover? How was he supposed to know he needed to get his fill of kisses
and slow touches and soft whimpers? How were either one of them to
know that destiny could be so easily thwarted?
The world began to reorder itself around them, but Castan barely
noticed. His full attention was focused on Reghan, and he was more
interested in kissing every inch of Reghan's face and biting his bottom lip
and sucking on his ear. But eventually he realized that the ground
beneath him had shifted from grass to something like marble. Reghan
didn't seem to mind that he no longer had the soft, forgiving earth
beneath him. His body slid over the smooth marble with each thrust, and
then he pushed back, pushed himself onto Castan's cock.
Castan wanted to continue like that indefinitely. He wanted to
drive himself into Reghan's body forever. He wanted the heat of Reghan's
body and the amazing pressure around his flesh. More than that, he
wanted to share Reghan's breath and echo his moans until the two of
them were nothing but dust in time. But he was only human, and all too
soon the pleasure was building, spreading up his spine and down into
chest and wrapping around his throat.
He shouted when he reached the point of no return, shattering in
Reghan's arms. Reghan only tightened his hold, keeping him in one piece
and whole. Castan felt something damp and warm on his cheeks and
realized he was crying again. He hated that. He wasn't a girl, and his
emotions were never this close to the surface. But there was so much
regret and loss in his body. And not just for Reghan. He already missed
his kingdom, his home, even his father. He missed knowing where he
belonged in the world. And he missed Somerset. He had things to do. He
was going to rebuild Somerset, going to be the king who brought the land
into its first era of true peace. Didn't the universe understand that?
Couldn't Reghan fix it so Castan could accomplish the tasks he'd always
been meant for?
Castan dropped his head on Reghan's shoulder and let the
floodgates open. He cried for the world he'd lost, for the life that no
longer belonged to him, for the love he had to release, for the wife who
betrayed him, for the child he'd never know. He cried because his heart
was breaking, and even though his body still drew breath and his heart
still hammered against his ribs, life as he knew it was well and truly
Reghan held him, stroking his head patiently, whispering soft
reassurances. Castan lost track of time and then realized time was a
relative term. It passed differently in the fey realm. But Reghan never
pushed him away and didn't try to tell him any lies.
Finally, Castan felt like all his tears had been wrung from him. He
lifted his head from Reghan's shoulder and kissed him once, sweetly,
then slowly pulled away from Reghan. Reghan let him go, watching him
with solemn eyes as Castan dealt with his clothes.
"Where are we?" Castan asked when he could trust his voice again.
His words were thin and rough.
"Your palace, my lord."
And it was a palace unlike anything Castan had ever seen. They
were in the throne room, and the throne itself was imposing and ornate,
made of carefully carved gold and inlaid with jewels. The crown resting
on the throne was no less impressive, and Castan doubted he could wear
something that looked so obviously heavy. The ceiling was high overhead,
and the windows were tall, allowing sunlight and starlight and a light
Castan couldn't name to flood the large chamber.
Reghan stood as well and pulled his pants up. "Do you like it? The
crown is a little ostentatious, but you wouldn't have to wear it all the
"I can't rule here, Reghan."
"Why not?"
"Because the fey hate me."
"You already killed almost all the fey who hate you," Reghan
pointed out. "Besides, you have friends here."
"What friends?"
"One moment." Reghan crossed to the other side of the huge room
and pulled the massive doors open. A small band of fey waited on the
other side, a very old man in the front. He looked like he was as old as
time, and Castan felt a strange impulse to drop to his knee and bow his
head in respect. "This is Deathwood. Deathwood, King Castan."
"I'm not..."
"You are, your majesty," Deathwood corrected gently, bowing
before he entered the throne room. "And I am your loyal subject. As we
all are."
"Who...are you?" Castan asked, looking over Deathwood's
"These are all fey who have been living in Somerset as your loyal
subjects. They already recognize you as their prince, and they have
agreed to stay in this realm with you. You'll need friends," Reghan said.
"Deathwood will act as your advisor."
"How am I supposed to be their king when I don't even have any
"You are acting king while I am away. The realm will obey me, and
now I have ordered it to obey your will as well. You're not going to be
powerless here." Reghan touched Castan's arm. "Trust me. This is a safe
place for you. Nobody will try to usurp you and take the crown."
"So that's it then? There's nothing left to argue?"
"That's it," Reghan agreed softly.
"When am I going to see you again?"
"I'll come back when I can. It won't be what we both want, but it'll
be better than nothing. And I'll make sure that Somerset thrives, Castan.
I'll love the kingdom as I love you."
Castan swallowed. "Do you really have to go?" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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