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Con nodded, and Joe started to head upstream.
Rick called after him.  Won t you get me some, too?
 You can have Con s leftovers, Joe called back.  Providing she leaves any.
Rick smiled at Joe s crack about Con s appetite, yet it reminded him of a
serious concern. Her souped metabolism was an advantage in a world of plenty,
but they were no longer living in that world. He worried how she would fare in
the time of want that lay ahead. Rick gazed at her in the firelight. She was
slumped forward on the two duffel bags, watching the fire s reflection on the
river. Her face was drawn and dirty, yet bore a hint of a smile. Rick found
that smile utterly endearing. He reached out and tenderly rubbed her wet,
muddy back. Con s only reaction was that her smile became slightly more
Rick spoke to her, more from hope than conviction.  Everything will be fine.
when Rick heard the crack of Joe s gun from far up the river. Although Rick
would have liked to see Joe s kill, he knew he should stay with Con. The
valley s scrubby vegetation had not provided the fuel for a sustained blaze,
and it was getting dark again. The trees at the former riverbank still burned,
as did shattered patches throughout the valley, but the main fires had moved
to the far foothills. The flames that were so recently menacing, now seemed
like homey campfires. Rick would miss them when they burned out.
Before Joe returned, Rick found it necessary to take out a flashlight to guide
him. He set the output on low to conserve the battery and listened for
footsteps. It seemed like a long time, before he heard any.
Eventually, he heard Joe coming. He shined the beam upstream and caught sight
of Joe. He had a broad smile and was carrying a five-foot-long object on his
shoulder. It was the severed limb of a bipedal dinosaur. It looked to Rick
like it came from a Hypsilophodontid.
 Got one of those little guys, said Joe.  It was like shooting a fish in a
 That s great, Joe! said Rick.  But how did you butcher it?
 Sliced it with the gun.
Rick pointed to the still-burning trees.  We can cook it over there.
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Joe looked at Con slumped over the duffel bags.  How long has she been
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 She nodded off right after you left. She s exhausted.
Joe shook his head.  This is because she s souped, isn t it?
 Most likely, said Rick.
 All she s had was a muffin and a half, said Joe.  That was stupid on our
part. We ve got to keep her fed.
 Well, let s get this cooked, said Rick. He walked over to Con and gently
shook her.  Joe s brought some dinner.
Con looked sleepy at first, but the idea of food soon had her wide-awake. She
and Joe waded to the shore. There Con put her shoes back on to protect her
feet from smoldering embers. Meanwhile, Rick searched the river for a branch
to use as a poker. When he found one, he joined Joe and Con by a still-burning
tree. Joe used the gun to cut the tree into logs that Rick then pushed
together. Soon they had a healthy blaze going. Rick took out his knife and cut
the leg at the knee joint, then skinned the two pieces.
 Gar�on, said Con,  may I see ze menu?
 Ah, Mademoiselle, replied Rick,  perhaps you would care to hear ze specials
 But of course, replied Con.
 Tonight we feature ze Hypsilophodontid �la carbonization.
 Stop there. That s my favorite.
 And how do you prefer your Hypsilophodontid? Medium, rare, or well-done?
Con looked at the two bloody chunks of flesh, and quickly said,  Well-done.
Very well done.
Joe dug a flashlight out of his duffel bag.  While you two yack, I m going to
check on the plane. He switched on the light and headed into the darkness.
As soon as Joe mentioned the plane, a pall came over Con and Rick s banter.
Escaping the fire and finding food would mean little without the plane. It
seemed impossible it could have survived the fire.
They feared Joe s investigation was merely a formality, and he would soon be
back to confirm the worst.
Rick tried to concentrate on cooking. He poked the fire until he had a pile of
glowing embers, then placed the meat upon them. It hissed, and the smell of
burnt flesh rose into the air.
This will be well-done, all right
. Using his poker, he turned the meat to try to cook it evenly. Soon both
joints were thoroughly black. Though this kept him busy, his main attention
was always on Joe.
The movements of Joe s flashlight marked his search for the plane. Rick and
Con watched them silently, neither wishing to give voice to their dread.
Apparently Joe was lost, for the light zigzagged over the landscape. Then it
went out, leaving Con and Rick staring into darkness. A light, brilliant to
their eyes, appeared. The transparent portion of the plane glowed, and they
could see Joe in its interior, sitting in the
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pilot s seat. The light disappeared, and shortly after, they heard a shout of
joy. Joe s light came straight toward them, bobbing as Joe ran.
Joe rushed into the light of the fire shouting,  The plane s fine! The plane s
fine! He gave Rick a bear hug, then lifted Con up and whirled her around.
Every aspect of his grimy face was a picture of absolute bliss.  It s more
than fine. It looks untouched, like it s brand-new! Thank God for such a
Rick tested the roasting meat and declared it ready for a celebration. Joe and
Rick found a large, flat stone in the dry riverbed to serve both as dining
table and serving plate. They carried it over to the fire;
then Rick placed the two pieces of blackened limb upon it. Rick passed his
knife around and each cut away strips of meat. The meal that followed was more
festive than any served at the dining pavilion. The charred dinosaur meat,
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tough and unseasoned, seemed like a feast to all. The warm bottled water was
appreciated more than Peter Green s chilled champagne.
Joe grinned as he watched Con eat ravenously.  Take your time, Con, no one s
going to steal it from you.
Con smiled back as she chewed.
 This reminds me of camping with Tom, said Rick.
Joe chuckled.  Must have been a hell of a childhood.
 I know it sounds crazy, replied Rick,  but right now, I feel good. We ve
been through a lot, and now it s going to start getting better.
 I certainly hope so, said Joe
 There are parts of the world untouched by the impact. Sure, it ll get dark
and cold there, too, and the acid rain will fall there also, but it won t be [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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