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revoke my parole and put me back in the joint! She threw her lunch tray
against the wall. Damn them! They can't do this to me! Yesterday I was
worth a billion dollars, and today ... Wait! Wait! An idea flashed
through Margo's mind that was so exciting that it sent a chill through
her. Holy God! What am I doing?
rve already proved that I'm Julia Stanford. I have witnesses. The
wholefamily heard Frank Timmons say that my fingerprints showed that I
was Julia Stan- - ford. Why the hell would I ever want to be Margo
Posner when I can be Julia Stanford? No wonder they have me locked up in
here. I must have been out of my mindf She rang the bell for the matron.
When the matron came in, Margo said excitedly, ' want to see the doctor
right away!' ' know. You have an appointment with him in 306 '.
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Right now!' The matron took one look at Margo's expression -'and said,
"Calm down. I'll get him.' Ten minutes later, Dr. Franz Gifford walked
into Margo's room. @You asked to see met '.' She smiled apologetically,
''m afraid I've been playing a little game, doctor."
"Reallyt '. It's very embarrassing. You see, the truth is that I was
very upset with my brother, Tyler, and I wanted to punish him. But I
realize now that that was wrong. I'm not upset anymore, and I want to go
home to Rose Hill..' ' read the transcript of your interview this
morning. You said that your name was Margo Posner and that you were
framed.' Margo laughed. ' was naughty of me. I just said that to upset
Tyler. No. I'm Julia Stanford.' He looked at her. ' you prove thatt This
was the moment Margo had been waiting for. ', yes!' she said
triumphantly. ' proved it himself. He hired a private detective named
Frank Timmons, who matched my. fingerprints with prints I had made for a
driver's license when I was younger. The)@re the same.
There's no question about it.' ' Frank Timmons,.you sayt 307 "That's
right. He does work for the district attorney's office here in Chicago.'
He studied her a moment. ', you're certain of this? You're not Margo
Posner you're ulia Stanfordt '.' ' this private detective, Frank
Timmons, can verify that?' She smiled. ' already has. All you have to do
is call the district attorney's office and get hold of him.' Dr. Gifford
nodded. ' right. I'll do that.' At ten o'clock the following morning,
Dr. Gifford, accompanied by the matron, returned to Margo's room. '
morning.' ' morning, doctor.' She looked at him eagerly. ' you talk to
Frank Timmonst - "Yes. I want to be sure that I understand this. Your
story about Judge Stanford's, involving you in some kind of conspiracy
was falset "Completely. I said that because I wanted to punish my
brother. But everything is all right now. I'm ready to go home.' '
Timmons can prove that you're Julia Stanfordt '.' Dr. Gifford turned to
the matron and nodded. She 308 signaled to someone- A tall, lean black
man walked into the room. He looked at Margo and said,'I'm Frank
Can I help you?" He was a complete, stranger.
Chapter Twenty-nine.
The fashion show was going well. The models moved gracefully along the
runway, and each new design received enthusiastic applause. The
ballroom- was packed. Every seat was occupied, and there were standees
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in the rear. Backstage there was a stir, and Kendall turned to see what
was happening. Two uniformed policemen were making their way toward her.
Kendall's heart began to race. One of the policemen said, ' you Kendall
Stanford Renaudt '.' ''m placing you under arrest for the murder of
Martha Ryan.' '!' she screamed.1 didn't mean to do it! It was an
accident! Please! Please! Please ... !' She woke up in a panic, her body
trembling. It was a recurring nightmare. I can't go on like this,
Kendall thought. I can'd I have to do something. She wanted desperately
to talk to Marc. He had 310 reluctantly returned to New York. ' have a
job to dop darling. They won't let me take any more time off.' '
understand, Marc. I'll be back there in a few days. I have to get a show
ready.' Kendall wits leaving for New York that morning, but before she
went there was something she felt she had to do. The conversation with
Woody had been very disturbing. He's blaming his problems on Peggy.
Kendall found Peggy on the veranda. ' morning," Kendall said. '
morning.' Kendall took a seat opposite her. ' have to talk to you.' ' It
was awkward. ' had a talk with Woody. He's in bad shape. He ... he
thinks that you're the one who's been supplying him with heroin.' ' told
you thatt There was a long pause. ', it's true.' Kendall stared at her
in disbelief. '? I ... I don't understand. You told me you were trying
to get him off drugs. Why would you want to keep him addictedt IL ou
really don't understand, do yout Her tone was bitter. ' live in your own
little god damned world. Well, let me tell you something, Miss. Famous
311 Designer!, I was a waitress when Woody got me pregnant. I never
expected Woodrow Stanford to marry me. And do you know why he did? So he
could feel he was better than his father. Well, Woody married me, all [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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