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In this part&
This part contains sample questions for each topic of the CCNA exam to help you prepare for the test. We
have tried to give you about the same number and type of questions as you will find on the actual exam. For
many reasons (memory and the Cisco Systems Confidentiality Statement we accepted when we took the test
being foremost), we are prevented from just giving you the exact questions for the test. The questions you see
on your test are very likely different from those that we saw when we took the test, although the test covers
the same material. Use these sample questions to measure the areas in which you need to study more. If you
do fairly well on these questions, then you are probably reaching your peak.
Please remember that our questions are intended to help you find your weaknesses. They are not a list of the
questions you�ll find on the actual exam. If you can answer these questions fairly easily, then check to make
sure that you can also explain why each wrong answer is wrong. Then, we think you�ll be just about ready.
Included in this book is a CD-ROM that contains many tools to help you prepare for the test, including a test
engine that will generate practice tests for you in a variety of combinations.
We�ve also included a handy glossary that contains the terms you should be familiar with for the CCNA
exam. Use these terms to refresh your memory as you study and as a part of your last-minute studies.
Appendix A: Sample Test
Here are sample questions representing all of the topic areas of the CCNA examination. The CCNA exam has
79 81 questions spread over eight testing topics (see Chapter 1). You must get 75 percent correct to receive
your CCNA certification. We have provided you with about the same number and percentage of questions you
should find on the actual test. Remember that the test you take is most likely not the same as the ones we took
or the one your friends or co-workers were given. The test has many versions that are given at random.
These sample questions are not the exact questions you�ll find on the exam. They are examples of the topics
and questions you should see on the actual test. Practice with these questions and those on the CD-ROM. If
you do well, you are probably just about ready to take the CCNA exam.
Tip On at least one question, you may be given an illustration from which you�re asked to identify
certain characteristics or equipment. For example, you may be asked to identify a particular
network device from a group of devices. So, study all of the network layout diagrams you can
find, especially those using Cisco�s symbols, and be sure you can identify all of the features
and devices included.
As you go through these questions, it�s also a very good idea to be sure that you know why an answer is
correct, and perhaps more importantly, why an answer is wrong. Best of luck!
The OSI Reference Model
1. On the OSI model�s Network layer, what data transport functions are performed for the sending
A. Data are formatted into datagrams and Network layer headers are added
B. Data are formatted into packets and Layer 2 headers are added
C. Data are formatted into frames and Layer 3 headers are added
D. Data are broken into packets and Network layer headers are added
Data encapsulation occurs on which layer(s)? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Application layer
B. Network layer
C. Data Link layer
D. Physical layer
E. All of the above
Routing protocols allow routers to learn the state of networks not directly connected to them. Which
of the following does not characterize a routing protocol?
A. The routed protocol for which it maintains information
B. The media used to interconnect internetworked routers
C. The algorithm and metrics used to determine best routes
D. The method used to communicate with other routers
E. The length of time it takes news of a change to be communicated throughout the network
On which OSI layer do e-mail, browser, and FTP clients operate?
A. Layer 4
B. Layer 6
C. Layer 7
D. Layer 5
Data conversion formats, such as ASCII, EBCDIC, JPEG, and data encryption, are found on which
OSI layer?
A. Layer 4
B. Layer 6
C. Layer 7
D. Layer 5
Which of the following actions is defined on the Transport layer of the OSI model? (Choose one.)
A. Flow control and error recovery
B. Placing MAC addresses in the header
C. Encapsulating data into frames
D. Adding network addresses
Which of the following occurs when a connection is established?
A. Service request coordination
B. Response coordination
C. Synchronization and acknowledgment
D. Flow control and error recovery
Which of the following is a service provided by each OSI layer to the other layers?
A. Encapsulation for the layer below
B. Flow control to the layer above
C. Services to the layer above
D. Transmission of cells to the layer below
9. Which layer of the OSI model provides error-free and reliable packet delivery?
A. Session
B. Transport
C. Data Link
D. Physical
A MAC address is made up of six fields of ______ bits each
A. 2
B. 4
C. 8
D. 12
On which OSI Reference model layer are electrical and mechanical characteristics of networking
media defined?
A. Layer 1
B. Layer 2
C. Layer 5
D. Layer 7
A receving device prevents buffer overflow through what technique?
A. Sliding windows
B. Source-quench messages
C. Buffer queing
D. Shared memory
UDP is what type of network service?
A. Connectionless
B. Flow control
C. Error correction
D. Connection-oriented
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