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Early to Rise. It was the best move we could have made for our
business. Our progress increased exponentially, and Craig has
continued to be a valued source of advice over the years.
When I set out to internationalize my lifestyle and move abroad
permanently, I found a mentor in a good friend who has spent
many years leading that same sort of lifestyle. Someone to save
me making the same mistakes he made, and someone to offer the
right connections when I needed them.
There really is no substitute for trusted advice, and you can find
mentors in any area of your life.
Seek out others who inspire you, who are farther ahead on a
similar path, and who can offer you advice, assistance, or even
just listen to your ideas. And when the time comes that you re
sufficiently advanced in your path to have something to offer,
accept the opportunity to take on that mentoring role yourself.
Speaking of learning from others, another thing that I ve always
enjoyed is spending time with old people.
Whether it was the older neighbours on my street when I was
a kid, customers along my paper route, or people I met on my
travels, I dropped everything for an opportunity to sit down with
 the elders and listen to their stories. Try it sometime. You ll be
amazed, and humbled.
I always made a point of asking older people about their regrets.
And I listened carefully to what they had to say. I didn t want to
reach the end of my life and realize I d missed out on something
that I d look back on in hindsight as a lost opportunity.
Sometimes You Can t Make It On Your Own
I learned many things from these conversations over the years.
And most of their cautions are summed up by the list in Australian
writer Bronnie Ware s book The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying:
1. I wish I d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not
the life others expected of me.
2. I wish I hadn t worked so hard.
3. I wish I d had the courage to express my feelings.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.
That s the thing about dreams, isn t it? If we don t do anything
about them, they remain just dreams.
We think of life as having a beginning, middle, and end. But it
doesn t. It either ends abruptly or trails off. Either way, there are
so many loose threads left dangling.
There s no second chance for those who fail to grasp it. Such
people simply reach old age and sit out the rest of their days
in the hollow depths of remorse, with nothing to hold in their
hands to show they have lived except the dried remains of all that
should have been the discarded husks of their dreams.
Don t let that be you. Listen to the warnings of the old folks, and
don t make those same mistakes.
Stop And Smell The Roses Will Ya?
here s one more important tool you need for your lifestyle
design tool box. It s probably the simplest insight in this book.
TBut I include it here because it s all too easy to forget it.
Remember that you re alive right now. You re in the midst of life.
Don t forget to have fun with it.
Sounds crazy, right? But it s so easy to get caught up in  work
that you forget how to live. I ve done it many times myself. And I
caution you against it too.
Don t forget the now. Don t let your goals make you live only for
the future. You ve gotta enjoy the ride too.
There s an old travel cliche that says a trip is never really about
the destination. The journey is in the meetings along the way.
It s futile to live for a future that may never come. If you re
sucking it up at a job you loathe because you expect it to make
you enough money to fulfill your dreams in 10 years, you re on
the wrong track.
Would you do the same thing if you knew you were going to die
in 9 years?
Live NOW. Enjoy the process. Take daily steps towards your
dreams, and knock off some smaller ones along the way to the
big visions.
Yeah, I know, that can be easier said than done sometimes. And
we all experience setbacks. It just seems to be part of the road.
In Part 3 I ll give you my very best strategies for getting back on
track when life or other people throws a monkey wrench into
your plans.
Part Three
This section contains a collection of tools to help you get back [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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