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“That’s it!” he shouted. He grabbed her shoulders and tossed her off, bouncing them both to the
bed, where he straddled her, holding her hands to pin her. “Either you stop this right now or I make
love to you for a week!”
She reached for him again, moaning.
“Brooke! Damn it! Look at me. Stop this!”
She raised her lashes. Her eyes were dark and glassy with lust. “Brooke! Stop right now!” Not a
single sign in answer that she had heard him.
“Brooke!” He shook her. “Brooke? Damn it!” She strained against him, pumping her hips in
invitation. She was hot everywhere. “What is going on? Brooke, honey, come on! Snap out of it!” His
own lust was quickly replaced by panic. He locked down her hands and dragged out the amulet. It was
cool in his palm. He took it off of her anyway. Nothing happened.
“Shit! Jeralynna! Jeralynna, help!” He sat on Brooke to keep her pinned. He had no idea if her
Aunt would show up, but whatever was going on wasn’t normal. “Come on, baby. Snap out of it!” He
brushed her hair back and she turned toward him trying to reach any part of him, her pink tongue
snaking out for his skin.
“What’s going on?” came a sharp voice.
“Thank God!” he choked out. “She’s gone nuts.” Daring to take his attention from Brooke, he
found Aunt Jerry standing over them, staring down at her niece.
“She’s been spelled,” she stated with a note of worry. “Here, keep her still.” He put his hands
where she pointed and watched as she rested fingertips to Brooke’s forehead.
Jeralynna murmured a phrase in a language Mitch knew he’d never heard, then she let out a
breath. “Yuck, that one even tasted bad.”
Brooke let out a rushed gasp, and then blinked. “Mitch? Why are you sitting on me?” He jumped
off. “Aunt Jerry?” Her eyes widened and she leaped off the bed too. “You are Jeralynna, right?” she
asked backing up.
“Yes, love. Mitch called me.”
Brooke whipped around to him. “You called her? How did you do that?”
“I don’t really know.” He rubbed his neck. “Let’s go sit down a minute. I feel like hell.” His entire
being was a mass of tossed emotions. He opened the door and they all filed out to the kitchen.
“Jeralynna, would you mind? Your tea is faster,” he asked her, past feeling shocked by her ability
as he pulled out a chair for Brooke. She wobbled a little when she planted herself into it. He rested a
hand on her and she smiled up at him. He sat right next to her. It was going to take an ice pick to
separate them as far as he was concerned.
“Happy to, love,” she replied to his request. It took less than a minute before the cups were ready.
He rubbed a hand up and down Brooke’s arm. “How do you feel?”
“Shaky. What happened?” He was glad to see her gaze was clear again.
“Aunt Jerry said you were under a spell,” he said cautiously.
“It was a lust spell,” Aunt Jerry clarified. “Big and bad tried to ruin things for you.”
“Sheesh, that’s twice today,” she muttered. Brooke sipped at her tea.
“Twice?” Aunt Jerry shot a concerned frown back and forth between the couple.
Mitch explained what happened earlier to her. “This isn’t good, but then again,” Aunt Jerry said
with a satisfied smile.
“Want to explain that?” Mitch snapped. “She was attacked earlier! How can this be good?”
“He’s scared, worried, concerned,” Aunt Jerry said with a flippant ease, completely unruffled.
Brooke plunked her head onto the heel of a palm. “Aunt Jerry, I can’t do this,” she told them,
sounding on the verge of tears. “I don’t know how to use the amulet.” Her other hand drifted up, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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