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Sarah pulled on her second boot and winced as she stood up.
 Funny. My leg didn t hurt at all for the last hour or so. She caught
Faith s eye and they both grinned.
At the door, Sarah took Faith into her embrace. They kissed, and
when they drew apart, both were breathing heavily. Sarah lowered her
head for another kiss, but Faith pushed her away with a laugh.  Get
out of here. If you had your way, you d be kissing me when Benjamin
walked through the door, and the devil be damned.
 Oh, really? Sarah lifted one eyebrow.  You think you know
me so well?
Faith s expression sobered.  I don t know you well at all. In my
more lucid moments, that scares me a little.
As Sarah lifted her hat from the rack, her expression turned
serious. She twisted the hat in her hands and looked at the floor.  You
have a right to be afraid. I have some dark places in my soul that
affect my moods. Sometimes, I have pretty bad nightmares.
 Do they have anything to do with losing Jessie?
 Some. Sarah rubbed the back of her neck and a look of
anguish crossed her face.  I m having a harder time adjusting to that
situation than I ever thought I would. She inhaled deeply and let the
breath whoosh out of her.  But what s done is done. With her head
still bowed, she glanced up at Faith.  Most of my nightmares come
from my guilt about the war. I tell myself I was only doing my duty,
but the faces of men who died because of me still haunt me.
 Oh, Sarah, Benjamin and I will do our best to fill those dark
places with light.
That answer fanned a flicker of joy that grew as Sarah raised her
head to gaze intently at Faith. With the help of both Pruitts, how
could she lose?
 Neither of us knows the other well, Sarah said.  But I hope we
can spend the rest of our lives getting acquainted. A smile touched
her lips.  You make me feel like I can do anything I set my mind to.
She struggled down to one knee and held her hat over her heart.  I
love you. I promise myself to you until death do us part. Will you
promise yourself to me?
 I will. I do, Faith said.  I think we just sealed that promise . . .
for better or for worse. She put a hand on Sarah s shoulder and
leaned close. They kissed one more time, and Faith helped Sarah
stand.  Go now, she whispered.  Keep that love warm for me.
 You sure make it hard to leave. Sarah let her arms drop away
from Faith. Opening the door, she looked out and could see Benjamin
at a distance, coming home. She turned back to Faith.  That  for
better or for worse part. We re both pretty strong-minded. Do you
think we can live together without disagreeing very much?
 I doubt it, Faith answered solemnly. Then laughter bubbled
forth.  But I can think of a thousand wonderful ways to make up. So
disagree with me whenever you dare.
 Dare, huh? Sarah winked.  Somehow, I don t think I ll be the
disagreeable one. Before Faith could form a rejoinder, Sarah hurried
through the door and closed it, stuck her hat on her head, and stepped
off the porch. She heard the door open as she limped toward
Benjamin and saw his wide smile. She lifted a hand and waved,
acknowledging the woman standing behind her and the boy running
toward her.
Her heart soared. We can do this.
 m glad you and Benjamin came before the weather got so
I bad. Sarah pulled back the window curtain for a clearer view
of the flakes coming down like bits of fluffy cotton.
Faith glanced up from washing their coffee cups at the sink.
 Me, too. I guess we re in for a heavy snowfall. She pointed a wet
finger.  Your woodpile is completely covered already. It looks like a
 Luckily, we have plenty of dry wood in the side shed. You can
barely see the footprints Scott and Phillip made going into the woods.
Benjamin s have already disappeared. You might have to stay here
for the weekend.
 Oh, what a hardship that would be. Faith s cheeks dimpled.
 Two whole days with you. She dried the cups and hung them from
hooks on an open shelf in the cupboard.
 Heh. Me and half a dozen other people. Finding time to spend
with Faith over the past three months had been relatively easy.
Finding time to make love to her had been a different story.
 You know you enjoy having your family here for the holidays,
and I like it, too. Most of our Christmases were very solitary.
 Move in here with me and your Christmases will never be
solitary again.
 I still haven t said anything to Benjamin.
 Obviously. Even if he doesn t know about us, he knows we re
friends. You could still move in. This discussion seemed never-
ending, but Sarah wouldn t quit asking. Maybe sheer persistence
would win out.
 If we move in with you, Sarah, I want to feel free for you and
me to put our arms around each other, and even kiss, without
worrying that we might be found out.
 Ooh, you sound pretty bold, woman. I expect we ll still be
 Not bold enough to speak to Benjamin. Faith hesitated.  I just
need to find the right moment. She nodded toward the window.  All
that white makes everything look clean and pure. It s lovely.
Sarah recognized a change of subject when she heard one. She
let go of the curtain, moved behind Faith, and slipped her arms
around her.  You re lovely, too. She nuzzled Faith s hair aside and
placed a kiss on her bare neck. Faith leaned into her and kept the
contact as she turned around within the embrace.
 This feels lovely. Faith s arms lifted around Sarah s neck and
they kissed.  Umm, and you taste lovely, too. She laid her head
against a tan cheek, and Sarah kissed her hair.
 Let s go outside. Sarah thought that cold air sounded like a
good idea at the moment.
 Outside? Faith looked up, her expression a cross between a
puzzled frown and a wry smile.  In this weather?
 Yes! Sarah s eyes gleamed as she pulled Faith toward the coat
rack by the kitchen door.  Lindsay and Leah are upstairs with the
children, and the boys are out hunting for the perfect Christmas tree.
We can do our part by playing in this gift of snow. She helped Faith
into her coat and donned hers as Faith pulled on galoshes. Sarah put a
hand against the wall for balance, shucked her regular boots, and
stomped into a heavier pair.  Let s get outside before we get too
Sarah grabbed her hat, and they put on gloves as they went out.
Faith blinked as some flakes stuck on her eyelashes. She spread her
arms wide and inhaled deeply.
 Mmm. The air is invigorating.
 So is the snow. A handful of the chilly fluff caught Faith in the
face. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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